
quori_teleop allows teleoperation of Quori using an Xbox or Playstation style controller.

Controller Mappings

Left Arm Control (Hold Left Trigger)

  • l_shoulder_pitch - Left Thumb Stick (Y axis)
  • l_shoulder_roll - Left Thumb Stick (X axis)

Hold A for "fast" mode, which doubles the movement speed.

Right Arm Control (Hold Right Trigger)

  • r_shoulder_pitch - Right Thumb Stick (Y axis)
  • r_shoulder_roll - Right Thumb Stick (X axis)

Hold A for "fast" mode, which doubles the movement speed.

Base Control (Hold Left Bumper)

Move the holonomic ramsis base.

  • Linear X - Left Thumb Stick (Y axis)
  • Linear Y - Left Thumb Stick (X axis)
  • Angular Z - Right Thumb Stick (X axis)

Waise Hinge Control (Hold Right Bumper)

  • waste_pitch - Left Thumb Stick (Y axis)

Subscribed Topics

  • /joint_states - Used for joint position feedback
  • /joy - Joystick input from the ROS joy node.

Published Topics

  • /quori/base_controller/cmd_vel - The commanded velocity for the ramsis base
  • /quori/joint_trajectory_controller/command - Joint trajectory commands for Quori's joints.