Getting Started

Running from the Robot

From a Linux PC session with Xorg:

ssh -X quori<robot number>@<robot address>
roscore &!

Running from a PC

You need a ROS 1 "noetic" installation.

Make sure to source ROS 1 before continuing:

source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash

The quori_ros repository is a ROS 1 workspace, that can be built with catkin_make.

git clone
cd quori_ros
git submodule init
. ./devel/

Then run roscore with the appropriate ROS_IP and ROS_MASTER_URI environment variables on both the PC and the robot.

Starting the Demo configuration

Then you can run the demo launch file:

roslaunch quori_launch demo.launch

It launches:

  • the navigation stack
  • the mapping and the laser publishers
  • the controller stack for Quori in holonomic mode

Other launch files are available in the quori_launch package:

  • launch the laser stack (including filtration) and SLAM system.

    roslaunch quori_launch mapping.launch
  • Publishes the laser's static transform.

    roslaunch quori_launch tf_base_laser.launch
  • Publishes the laser filtration stack (used by mapping.launch).

    roslaunch quori_launch filtered_laser.launch