The following should be verified after your first assembly to verify no parts were damaged during shipping. You can also use this as a basic test if something is not working.
Joint Functions
You will need to plug the robot into power and use the e-stop. Be sure the robot is not able to collide with any objects before starting.
Arms and Waist
Launch the holonomic controller:
roslaunch quori_controller quori_control_holo.launch
Launch the rqt_trajectory_controller:
As a sanity check before you enable control in
ensure that the arms and waist are reading valid positions (values are within the range of the slider and respond to slight movement) -
Enable control of the joints by pressing the red button in
. -
Use the slider to move each joint to its extreme position and back to a resting position
Close out of
and any ROS nodes
Launch the holonomic controller:
roslaunch quori_controller quori_control_holo.launch
Launch the teleop node:
roslaunch quori_teleop quori_teleop.launch
Make sure the USB remote receiver is plugged into Quori (the USB hub on the Quori panel is the recommended location)
Control the base: hold the left bumper LB and use the thumbsticks to move the robot. See teleop repo for more information
Testing Sensing Functions
Launch the camera node:
roslaunch astra_ros default.launch
Test that the images are streaming with the following commands. The depth image will be difficult to see pixels depending on what the camera is able to see.
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/astra_ros/devices/default/color/image_color
Then close out of this node and run
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/astra_ros/devices/default/depth/image
Launch the laser scanner node
roslaunch rplidar_ros rplidar.launch
If you are getting an error try unplugging and replugging in the lidar usb cable. You can also see the Troubleshooting section
Launch the terminal client
rosrun rplidar_ros rplidarNodeClient
If you see numbers streaming on the terminal then the sensor is working
Launch the sensor’s node(s)
roslaunch respeaker_ros sample_respeaker.launch
Echo a data topic
rostopic echo /sound_direction
If you see data echoing as you make noise around the head of the robot then the sensor is working
We will test that the calibration image is properly centered. You will need a remote PC with x11 forwarding. ssh
into Quori and then do the following:
roslaunch quori_face calibrate.launch
You should see a crosshair centered on the robot’s face. You can update hardware calibration with new dx and dy values by using the dynamic reconfigure window that should have appeared on the remote PC (via x11 forwarding). You should not need to update the dx and dy values.
Navigation Basics
Quori can navigate a map using ROS’s navigation stack. Use a remote laptop to set up a ROS network. The following launch files will get you started.
roslaunch quori_launch mapping.launch
roslaunch quori_controller quori_control_holo.launch
roslaunch quori_nav move_base.launch # if autonomous otherwise use telop
Then run RViz on a remote desktop that is on the same ROS network.
- Load map, laser scanner, and robot model into Rviz
- Use 2d Nav in rviz to move around map